07 March 2012

profil Zacky Vengeance

Zachary James Baker, (lahir 11 Desember 1981) yang lebih dikenal dengan nama panggung Zacky Vengeance, adalah ritme gitar vokal dan cadangan untuk American Hard Rock band Avenged Sevenfold.


In the Avenged Sevenfold DVD All Excess he recalls that before Avenged Sevenfold, he was in a one time punk band called MPA* , which stands for Mad Porno Action. Di Avenged Sevenfold DVD Semua Kelebihan dia recalls that before Avenged Sevenfold, dia berada dalam satu waktu punk band called MPA *, yang berarti Mad Porno Aksi. He implies that they were not successful. Dia menunjukkan bahwa mereka tidak berhasil. He and M. Dia dan M. Shadows (who at the time was singer for a band named Successful Failure) formed Avenged Sevenfold. Bayangan (yang pada saat itu adalah penyanyi untuk band bernama Berhasil Kegagalan) dibentuk Avenged Sevenfold. He was also responsible for the creation of the acronym ” A7X “. [ 1 ] He is left-handed. Dia juga bertanggung jawab untuk penciptaan akronim dari “A7X”. [1] Dia adalah tangan kiri. He taught himself how to play the guitar when he was thirteen. Dia mengajarkan kepada dirinya untuk bermain gitar ketika ia tigabelas.
The guitar he first learned on was actually his dad’s, who was right-handed. Gitar pertama ia belajar pada sebenarnya his dad’s, yang adalah tangan kanan. He learned by watching his favorite bands and other people he knew who played and practiced as much as he could. Dia belajar oleh menonton band favorit dia dan orang lain yang ia tahu diputar dan dipraktekkan sebanyak dia dapat. He would also read each edition of Guitar World cover to cover, learning the tabs of the songs published in there and watching the professionals perform it until he got it right. Dia juga akan membaca setiap edisi Guitar World penutup ke depan, belajar tab dari lagu diterbitkan di sana dan menonton profesional melakukan sampai ia got it right. His influences in his style are Rancid , Misfits and Bad Religion . Pengaruh-Nya dalam gaya yang Rancid, Misfits dan Buruk Agama. Zacky’s favorite bands also include Pantera , Metallica , ELIXIR, and Guns N Roses . [ citation needed ] Zacky’s favorite bands juga termasuk Pantera, Metallica, eliksir, dan Guns N Roses.
100px-zackyvpresents4Zacky dirilis pakaian disebut baris “Vengeance University.” He just released a new site called Vengenz.com. Dia baru saja merilis sebuah situs baru bernama Vengenz.com. The line currently features t-shirts, hoodies, belt buckles and stickers in the shape of switchblade Vs. Baris saat ini memiliki t-shirt, hoodies, belt buckles dan stiker dalam bentuk switchblade Vs. Many, if not all of the shirts in the line include his trademark “Est. 6661″. Banyak, jika tidak semua dari kaos dalam baris itu termasuk merek dagang “Est. 6661.” The site is updated weekly with photos of travels and a “Gangster of the Week”.He has a sister Zina Baker who is now Zina Pacheco She has two kids, Zackys niece and nephew Gianna and Gavin.He has a brother Matt Baker who was with the band Dear & Departed. Situs ini diupdate mingguan dengan foto dari perjalanan dan “Gangster of the Week”. Dia memiliki saudara Zina Baker yang kini Zina Pacheco Dia memiliki dua anak, dan keponakan perempuan keponakan Zackys GiAnna Gavin.He dan memiliki saudara Matt Baker yang dengan band Dear Berangkat &. His parents are James and Maria Orang tuanya adalah Yakobus dan Maria

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